Blast cleaning in South West England

At Bucks Engineering we provide a specialist in-house blast cleaning service. We can restore buildings, machinery or equipment to their original condition quickly and efficiently.

Blast Cleaning, which is also called shot blasting, grit blasting or sand blasting is the process of cleaning various materials including wood, stone, brick and metals by propelling an abrasive at the surface using compressed air. Blast Cleaning is the most effective way to clean and remove rust, paint, grime and graffiti from surfaces such as wood, steel, alloy, concrete and stone.

We always pride ourselves on the high quality of our blast cleaning work. Please let us know the size and nature of your cleaning work and we can discuss the best solution available.

Our blast cleaning services include:

  • Bead blasting
  • Dry blast cleaning
  • Grit blasting
  • Jetting
  • Sand blasting
  • Shot blasting
  • Shot peening
  • Tube cleaning
  • Stove enamelling

Please call us today on 01884 881 526
for a free estimate on all of our blast cleaning services.

Blast Cleaning
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